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DCC Dalyellup Cricket Club Website (3000 × 2000px) (3000 × 1250px) (2).png

Welcome to Dalyellup Cricket Club!

A Community Club in Dalyellup, WA on Wardandi Country.
Men's, Women's, Juniors and Cricket Blast!
Join us now for the 2023/24 season, as a Player, Supporter, Coach or Sponsor.


Juniors, Seniors & Cricket Blast Registrations are now open for the 2024/25 season starting in October!

In 2024/25 Dalyellup Cricket Club will be fielding teams across Men's and Women's competitions from A grade through to E grade. 

Our junior program will cater for players from 5 years old through to Year 12. Click on the link below to be taken to PlayHQ and register now!

NOTE: When registering you will need the email you use for your cricket ID. Follow the prompts during the process. If you have any questions contact the club.



Thanks To Our Sponsors 

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