The below was delivered at the 2022/23 end of season awards night by club president, Rod Jones.
Season 2022/23 can be put down as a season of change. New name, new colours, new uniforms, new sponsors, new curator, new and enhanced social media presence, new equipment in Frogbox and the golf buggy, and what I firmly believe will go down as one of the best things that has ever happened to this club, the introduction of the Women’s team.
We introduced the 3 Year Plan at the start of this season with the intention we would use this as a guide to measure how we are progressing.
In summary;
Our Vision and Our Mission are still relevant.
Our membership needs a focus, particularly for juniors and social members
Our Women’s team is undoubtedly the highlight of the season and is tracking ahead of schedule in terms of KPI’s. A massive congratulations to all players for their enthusiasm and willingness to learn, and for Roland and Josh for their coaching support.
A Grade – stagnated and requires more focus
Senior Men’s Teams – requires improvement
Juniors – not seeing the growth we need to ensure ongoing club sustainability and will require a significant short term focus; congratulations to our Year 11/12 side who were the best team all year and deservedly showed that in their Grand Final victory
Player development – significant steps with Vance Burton as Net Captain, and Tony Warren, Tim Verhaaf and Roland Lynch providing support; will require some tweaking for next season
Facilities – the addition of Lydon Hodgkiss as curator saw the turf wicket in the best shape it’s been in years; still work ongoing to secure long term location and suitable facilities for all members
Sponsors – significant steps forward with five 3 year sponsorships secured and several round sponsors and season sponsors
Whether we like it or not, the future of this club is linked to on field success.
While there were several positives throughpout the club this yearUnfortunately however, what didn’t significantly change was our on field performances. I said at the season launch that the club had been going for 17 seasons and we haven’t won a premiership in any men’s grades (a reminder that T20 premierships are not a season premiership proper). Despite the late run of the E Grade team to make the finals in the last round, our premiership drought continues. And that was after we dropped our Men’s C Grade side after 5 rounds.
Albert Einstein is attributed as saying “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result”. So we, as a club, will not fall into that trap. We have recognised that securing the long term sustainability of this club requires adopting a different approach in some areas to enable different outcomes. We as a committee are embracing change, and I encourage each and every member to do so as well.
With that in mind, I am pleased to announce that we have commenced discussions with the Donnybrook Cricket Club about entering a combined Dalyellup and Donnybrook A Grade Men’s side for season 2023/24. Both our and their committee are supportive of exploring this option. A sub-committee comprising representatives from both clubs has been established and a draft guidance document has been developed. We recognise that there are several hurdles to get over with this concept but both clubs are committed to exploring the idea, with the goal that the sub-committee will be in a position to submit a proposal to our committee for their endorsement in May 2023, and to the BDCA for their endorsement by June 2023.
Let me be very clear, and I cannot say this strongly enough - THIS IS NOT A MERGER. This is merely a recognition from both clubs that right now, this is an option worth exploring. If such a concept progresses, we envision that it will allow Dalyellup to enter standalone B, C, D and E Grade sides next season and that an alignment with Donnybrook may lead to some of their players playing in grades for our sides that their club may not be able to field. We also believe there may be other areas to explore in terms of mutually beneficial outcomes, such as within the women’s or the junior sides. We are therefore confident that such an alignment will only strengthen, not weaken our club.
Please also understand that this is not an admission that our current groups of players are not good enough to achieve success. It is simply an acknowledgment that, right now, our playing group needs time to mature and develop. The possible introduction of a combined A Grade side for next year will allow players to play in grades that they are more suited, and at levels that encourage and support their development. In turn, we believe this will help to drive greater player enjoyment and better long term success. Equally we believe the concept may provide a significant enough challenge to a few players to knuckle down and take the next step in their cricketing journey. To understand that rewards come to those that work hard.
That is all I will say about this possibility at this stage, but I am more then happy to discuss this concept with anyone at the Year 12 Grand Final tomorrow morning. In other words, not tonight. Tonight we will use to reflect on the season just gone.
While on field success is a major measurement of overall club success, it would be remiss of me just to focus on that alone. Aside from what I have previously mentioned, we had several other positives to be applauded this year including;
The introduction of a wide range of new sponsors (which Renners has already showcased and can be seen during the rolling presentation)
The Cash Raffle was a major success as a fund raiser and social event – thanks to Jayden
The Players Auction and Stalled Gift once again proved a highlight – thanks to Amber, Belly & Jayden
The success of our Year 12 side, which plays in a grand final tomorrow – a side that every player bar 1 played at least 1 A or B Grade game this year.
Bunnings Sausage sizzle was again a worthwhile fund raiser
Renner’s Mediterranean pig sacrifice at the pre season game was also a definite winner
The new pizza oven and stand up tables were also popular and, along with Dallas and Gerri’s pot plants and solar lighting, added a bit of ambience to the outdoor area
The use of the old sightscreen as sponsor banner location – thanks to Belly for getting this up and going.
These positive things don’t just happen. Key people work their arses off behind the scenes which many people do not see, and quite frankly, sometimes do not fully appreciate. With that in mind, I want to formally thank your committee for this year. We have been going solid for nearly 11 months since last years AGM and have achieved so much. So a massive thank you for your efforts this year.
As well as our committee, I will also take this opportunity to thank a range of people, in no particular order;
Vance Burton for his role as net captain and Tony Warren, Roland Lynch and Tim Verhaaf in their support predominantly to the A Grade side but support across the board to those who sought it out,
Roland and Nugget in their coaching roles with the Women’s side,
Paul Ryan, Josh Oakey, Maddie Oakey – our junior teams and master blaster coaches, helping to secure the future of this club.
Grantly Deer for his work in the canteen and bar, helping to restock and ensure we were organised
Zane, Amber, Donna, Jayden, Josh, Renners in their role as Captains. Never an easy task trying to juggle the different situations that they face and I thank you for your efforts.
There are a few others that deserve a mention, but I will save that for the TRIPLE C announcement.
To the members and supporters – thank you for hanging in there this year and continuing to support the club. It is encouraging to see the same old faces mixed with new faces as we continue to try and grow and develop the club to the level we all believe it should be at.
To the award winners this evening – congratulations on your efforts and well deserved recognition of the hard work you have put in this year. Enjoy the accolades but when the time is right, I ask you put this season to one side and set yourself to improve again next year. Be mindful that individual player improvement leads to team improvement which leads to club improvement, which is something we should all be aspiring to. A reminder that we certainly do not want to go another 18 seasons without winning a Premiership.
To finish off, there has been much that’s gone right this year. But equally, there are areas we can improve, and we will not shy away from taking on challenges that are in the best interests of the club going forward.
Our AGM is coming up in April and I firstly encourage you all to attend, but also encourage those that are interested to put their hand up and nominate to be on the committee. For those that do volunteer, be prepared to work hard like your committee from this year has. I will once again put my hand up to be President and, if supported by the members, will look to bring specific roles to the committee next year. Junior Coordinator, Child Protection Officer, Sponsor Liaison and Curator and Grounds Liaison will be a focus next season, along with our usual events, social media and player development focus. I would be happy to talk to anyone who is interested in joining the committee and possibly taking on such roles.
Finally, I hope everyone enjoys themselves tonight, and I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible tomorrow morning for the Year 12 Grand Final.